I got my walking papers
I got my walking papers

i got my walking papers

WP2 is the kind of album that I hear something different in every time I listen to it. The thing that I love about WP2 is that Angell manages to capture all of the things I love about music and throw it all into a blender to create one big ass shake of rock n’ roll awesomeness. While at first glance WP2 looks long at 13 songs, you’re left wanting more when the Cult infused closing track “Right in Front of Me” fades to a close. This particular song, in my opinion, set the tone for the rest of the album. Angel has all the swagger and attitude of Jim Morrison with all the soul of a Mississippi bread white boy soul brother. “Death on the Lips” is hands down the stand out track on this album. This makes it accessible to not just the old fucks like me but to a more modern audience. Angell has managed to take the blues, sleaze rock, and a touch of Sunset Strip 60’s Whiskey A GoGo rock n’ roll and put a modern spin on it. The secret ingredient behind this music from what I can tell is definitely lead singer/guitarist/songwriter Jeff Angell. “My Luck Pushed Back” kicked things off and right away I was taken aback by just how much I was digging this. Well, maybe it’s just that I’m in a different mindset these days but when Walking Papers’ latest album WP2 showed up in my inbox, I just had to give it a listen. I wasn’t sure what they were shooting for but whatever it was, it just didn’t click with me. Walking Papers was one of those bands that I just didn’t get when I first heard them.

I got my walking papers